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Morocco has been shaken by a devastating earthquake, leaving countless families in distress and urgent need of assistance. The death toll is rising rapidly and many of the fatalities are said to be in hard-to-reach areas south of Marrakech. 

Committed to helping those in need, we are launching an appeal to provide relief and support to those affected by this devastating natural disaster.

The earthquake, with a magnitude of 6.8, has caused widespread damage, displacing families from their homes and leaving communities in a state of shock. Many are in dire need of shelter, food, clean water, and medical aid.

By donating to our Morocco Earthquake Appeal, you can help us deliver food, essential supplies, medical assistance and emergency aid to those who have lost so much.

Donate now and help us reach vulnerable families in need.

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Select from single and monthly donations

Will provide

Emergency Food Aid

Provide food aid to those in need in the affected areas

Will provide

Emergency Medical Aid

Will support those in need with medical aid & supplies

Will provide


Will provide urgent emergency aid such as ready meals, sleeping bags, water, hygiene essentials, baby chest carrier, clothing & shelter

Your donation will go towards

Emergency Medical Camp

Each camp will provide treatment up-to 1000 patients including children and wome


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