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Donate today for our Palestine & Gaza Appeal

Select from single and monthly donations

Your donation could provide

Family Food Pack

We will provide nutritious long-lasting food items such as ready-to-eat-meals, canned meat, fruit, vegetables & soups as well as powdered milk, baby food, salt, sugar and water

Your donation could provide

Emergency Relief Packs

6 people will receive a comprehensive package of essential supplies, including blankets, warm clothing, mattresses, sleeping bags, and hygiene kits.

Your donation could provide

Critical Medicine and Medical Supply

We will provide hospitals with essential medical supplies, including medicines, wound cleaning solutions, intervenes kits, pool stands, and otoscopes (portable) to up to 1000 people in need.

Your donation will go towards


Will fund an ambulance in Gaza to transport critically injured patients, this ambulance can be a lifeline for up to 200 people in need of urgent medical attention, C$60,000 will fund an entire Ambulance.

Your donation could provide

Food Aid Palettes

We will provide nutritious long-lasting food items such as ready-to-eat-meals, canned meat, fruit, vegetables & soups as well as powdered milk, baby food, salt, sugar and water. This pack will last approx. 200 families / 1,200 individuals for an entire month.

Your donation could provide

Intensive Care Equipment

Will provide life saving medical equipments such as anaesthesia machine, mobile ventilator and Incubator for major operations and treatments.

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© Copyright 2022. Al Mustafa Canada® is a registered charity in Canada NO. 744029711 RR 0001.

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