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Help those most in need of your support

You may also choose to give your Sadaqah or Zakat to Al Mustafa Welfare Trust with no specific project or location in mind, and just with the aim of supporting people in need. This leaves us with the responsibility and power to allocate your donations to the areas that are most in need. This may be disaster zones or places affected by climate change. It may even be to those causes that are important and countries in need, where there is limited funding available but a huge need.

We will use your donations to support people through any of our projects including emergency response, to livelihood projects, providing life-saving food, to delivering clean and safe drinking water, or giving children from impoverished backgrounds access to quality education and caring for orphans.

If you specify that your Where Most Needed donation is your zakat contribution, we will ensure your donation goes to our zakat applicable projects, helping you fulfil this beautiful pillar of Islam, and that 100% of your donation will reach those most in need.

Our 100% Zakat donation policy means every single penny of your donation will reach those most in need, 100% of the time.

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© Copyright 2022. Al Mustafa Canada® is a registered charity in Canada NO. 744029711 RR 0001.

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