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Laylat-ul-Qadr is one of the most important and impactful days of the year, with the Holy Qur’an stating that The Night of Power can bring more rewards than a thousand months. This blessed evening is an opportunity for all Muslims to commemorate the origins of our faith, allowing us to pray for mercy and blessings from Allah (SWT).

What is Qadr?

To an outsider of the Islamic faith asking “what is Qadr?”, Laylut-ul-Qadr can be described as an exceptionally important day in the Islamic calendar. Usually falling on the 27th night of Ramadan, commemorating the night when the first verses of the Holy Qur’an were revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). 

During this blessed evening, our actions and good deeds are multiplied by one thousand – according to the words of the Holy Qur’an – making this night a brilliant opportunity for supporting and caring for our brothers and sisters across the globe, as well as praying to Allah (SWT).

What Should You Do During Qadr?

The Night of Power, along with the entirety of Ramadan, is a sacred time where we should embody the beliefs of our faith and try to become closer to Allah (SWT). This occasion is fundamental to the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and serves as an opportunity to truly do good in the world through a variety of means.


Prayer is a fundamental pillar of our faith and during Laylut-ul-Qadr; we are given time where Allah (SWT) will listen to our prayers, rewarding us with blessings and rewards.

Use this period to pray for Allah’s (SWT) ongoing support of our struggling brothers and sisters around the world and reflect on the lessons of the Holy Qur’an, as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did.

We should continually work to become closer to Allah (SWT).


Ramadan is a month of fasting and abstaining from all forms of sin, whether they be simple vices like smoking to more challenging concepts like lying and thinking impure thoughts. During Laylat-ul-Qadr and throughout Ramadan, you should fill your time with prayer and study, reciting the lessons of the Holy Quran and helping others, so that you may energise your faith and do away with sin.

Good Deeds

The month of Ramadan offers us the chance to help others through contribution and donation. During the Night of Power, our good deeds are drastically more impactful, enabling you to truly make a difference. 

Here at Al Mustafa Welfare Trust, we strive to help those across the world who don’t have access to our luxuries, whether they need healthcare, food, education or shelter. Through your contribution this Laylat-ul-Qadr, we can share the blessings of Allah (SWT) with those in need and less fortunate than yourself. 

Support your brothers and sisters today by donating to our Ramadan appeal and creating a better world for everyone.

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