Al Mustafa Welfare Trust is a respected UK charity which took over an existing registered charity in Canada with the CRA number 744029711RR0001 in April 2022. This charity happened to be a different faith-based charity with three directors which was closing down.

We chose to convert an existing charity as opposed to registering a new one to minimize administrative costs that come with a prolonged registration process with the CRA.

When Al Mustafa took over the new charity, we changed the name of the charity, board of directors (all Muslim directors), official address, its charitable objectives & the countries we operate in. We do not have any links to the previous charity, their directors, or charity objective as they ceased activity in 2021. All these details can be verified on the Canada Revenue Agency website for reporting periods ending in December 2022 and 2023.

We have been made aware of the inaccurate and false allegations being circulated against our organization. We ask our brothers and sisters to not fall for these attacks and realize that Al Mustafa continues to deliver aid, medical support, orphan care and other life saving assistance to thousands around the world.

If you would like to speak to one of our representatives or learn more, please email us and we would be happy to clarify this matter.

[email protected] 

Many thanks

Al Mustafa Canada Team

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© Copyright 2025. Al Mustafa Canada® is a registered charity in Canada NO. 744029711 RR 0001.

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